Next Generation DWH Modeling

Event Details

Hyperlink: BI-Podium

During the last four to five years, we have noticed an increasing need for more (flexible/agile) Data Warehousing and modeling methods in the Dutch market. This need is due to match the rapidly growing and changing amount of data and data sources and the increasing need for information to make crucial business decisions.

Data Vault modeling is a modeling technique that is aimed at the enterprise and central data warehouse and it’s popularity in The Netherlands is increasing. Anchor Modeling is also a similar data modeling technique which is more and more implemented but is less well known (at least in The Netherlands). The existence of two relatively but rapidly growing new data modeling techniques may be confusing, especially compared to the more traditional modeling techniques such as Kimball & Inmon.

This conference, organized by BI Podium and Visser & Van Baars, aims to answer any questions you might have regarding the differences, similarities and the practical usage of both Data Vault, Anchor modeling and/or the more traditional modeling methods. We hope to provide you with theoretical information but mainly with practical information from field cases so you can see which modeling method matches your situation/need the best.

We are very pleased that both Dan Linstedt and Lars Ronnback (founders of respectively Data Vault & Anchor Modeling) agreed to speak and discuss the differences and similarities between the two (competing?) techniques. Furthermore we are also proud to present that Dan Linstedt will reveal Data Vault 2.0 in the Netherlands for the first time.

Published by

Lars Rönnbäck

Co-developer of the Anchor Modeling technique. Programmer of the online modeling tool. Site maintainer. Presenter and trainer.

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